Press Release 2019



Phytonix Corporation

Phytonix Corporation unleashes a new carbon dioxide utilization (CDU) technology to combat climate change.


For Immediate Release

For more information contact:                                                                                          Brooklin Lyle, Marketing Manager                                              [email protected]  or

Bruce Dannenberg, CEO                                                                                                       [email protected]

Black Mountain, NC June 2019- Phytonix Corporation (Px) is proud to announce its recent success in developing breakthrough technologies to reduce harmful industrial emissions.  Px scientists have engineered new strains of cyanobacteria which use photosynthesis to convert CO2 into carbon negative industrial chemicals and fuels, such as butanol, pentanol and other higher alcohols. Beneficial oxygen is released in the process. Scientists working with Phytonix have recently noted that they have achieved the highest photosynthetic butanol production ever recorded at laboratory scale.

“The climate crisis is an epic battle to preserve Earth and its environment. This cries for a global mobilization and response,” says Bruce Dannenberg, CEO. “Our company has created a gigaton magnitude weapon against climate change capable of removing, via photosynthetic conversion to chemicals and fuels, billions of tonnes of carbon dioxide from our atmosphere annually. A massive global funding initiative must be established to develop and deploy the powerful carbon dioxide utilization (CDU) technologies that will mitigate climate change and stabilize and heal our environment.”

Phytonix is headquartered in North Carolina, USA, with a corporate office in Vancouver, Canada, plus development laboratories and partners in Sweden, Germany, the United States, Nova Scotia and British Columbia, Canada, and The Netherlands. Phytonix Canada Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of Phytonix Corporation.

The firm is currently testing and optimizing its full production process at indoor pilot scale and will soon achieve outdoor pilot scale deployment, both in Europe and the USA, with two multinational industrial corporate partners.

The Phytonix process directly reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at the rate of one metric tonne of CO2 per 138 gallons of biobutanol produced. This significantly carbon negative process is expected to produce cost leadership industrial chemicals at less than half the cost of the incumbent fossil producers. Full global deployment could significantly reduce annual carbon dioxide emissions, slow climate change to manageable levels, and win the fight to save Earth!

Phytonix in Genome BC Press Release

“About Phytonix Corporation:
Phytonix Corporation is an industrial biotechnology company producing sustainable chemicals directly from carbon dioxide. Their patented process employs cyanobacteria, which are the same ancient, photosynthetic organisms responsible for creating a breathable atmosphere on Earth and that contributed greatly to the genesis of our miraculous blue planet. Phytonix’s objective is to be the global leader in bio-safe, direct solar chemical production utilizing carbon dioxide as the sole feedstock for the cyanobacteria along with energy from the Sun. Phytonix and its partners utilize a collaborative business model via a capital-light strategy, based upon circular economy principles, to produce a variety of cost-leadership renewable chemicals and fuels from carbon dioxide, sunlight, and water via patented photobiological and genomics technology.”

New Biotech Initiative Proposes to Turn Waste Gas in to Specialty Chemicals

Following the Genome BC Press Release, Phytonix was noticed by for upcoming opportunites in the cosmetics feild and aligning with the CleanBC Initiative. “The non-profit Genome British Columbia and Phytonix Corporation announced a partnership this month that will result in a manufacturing platform where CO2 emissions from industrial facilities will be converted into specialty chemicals for use in the fragrance industry.

Silhouette of the Power plant in Kiev.

Phytonix featured in Synbiobeta Article



Technology is ready to confront climate change — are we?

CEO and President, Bruce Dannenberg spoke with Synbiobeta on today’s technology for combatting climate change. “We are currently working collaboratively with two multi-national corporate strategic partners (a large power utility and energy company based in Europe and a large industrial manufacturing company based in the southeastern USA) to deploy our carbon dioxide utilization (CDU) technology to capture their waste CO2 emissions and convert them to low cost solar chemicals and fuels. These would initially be pilot scale installations with rapid expansion to commercial scale. We expect initial outdoor pilot scale deployment in 2020.”