Phytonix – 2021 First Place Global Award Winning Company

Phytonix Corporation Wins First Prize in The Fifth China (Shenzen) Innovation & Entrepreneurship International Competition Finals out of 1,473 Company Entries.
(Phytonix Press Release,12.08.2021) On November 30th, 2021 Phytonix Corporation won the First Prize in the finals round of the Fifth China (Shenzen) Innovation & Entrepreneurship International Competition out of 1,473 company entries for its project “Low-Cost Photosynthetic 1-Butanol Production from Carbon Dioxide Emissions”. The award for this first place finish was 1 million RMB (approximately USD $155,000). The competition officially launched on September 1st, 2021. This competition was comprised of multiple rounds organized through nine global competition divisions (Australia, Toronto, Canada (SCIinnovation), U.S.A., Germany, Israel, Japan, Netherlands, Spain, and the U.K.) across multiple technology categories including Green and Low-Carbon Technologies, Marine Economy, New Materials, Biological Medicine and Health and New Generation of Electronic Information. Leading up to the final round, Phytonix Corporation also placed second in a regional semi-final sponsored by SCIinnovation, one of the regional divisions based in Toronto, Canada. The award for this second-place finish was USD $15,000.
Phytonix Corporation (“Phytonix”) is an industrial biotechnology company headquartered in North Carolina, with development laboratories in Sweden, Nova Scotia and Vancouver, Canada. Phytonix Canada Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of Phytonix Corporation and is based in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Phytonix produces sustainable 1-butanol and other higher alcohols directly from carbon dioxide industrial emissions. Its globally patented process employs cyanobacteria (photosynthetic bacteria) engineered via synthetic biology. Phytonix’s objective is to be the global leader in bio-safe, direct solar chemical production. Its process utilizes carbon dioxide as the sole carbon feedstock for its microbial “chemical factories” along with energy from the sun. Phytonix and its partners utilize a collaborative and distributed business model based upon circular economy principles. Phytonix production facilities will be co-located with industrial emitters of carbon dioxide.
Humankind’s reliance on fossil chemicals & fuels is unsustainable and has caused an environmental crisis due to high atmospheric CO2 levels. Biobased replacements need to be economically competitive and profitable. Phytonix technology directly converts CO2 emissions into industrial biochemicals and biofuels, without the need for expensive carbon capture or separation, that are low cost and carbon-negative to help profitably transition away from and replace their fossil counterparts, reducing atmospheric CO2 levels to help stabilize climate change.

Sustainable Chemistry Powered by the Sun™
Phytonix Corporation (“Phytonix”) is an industrial biotechnology company focused on producing sustainable chemicals directly from carbon dioxide and the sun. Our globally patented process employs cyanobacteria, which are the same organisms responsible for creating a breathable atmosphere on Earth and that contributed greatly to the genesis of our miraculous blue planet. Phytonix’s objective is to be the global leader in bio-safe, direct solar chemical production utilizing carbon dioxide as the sole feedstock for the cyanobacteria along with energy from the Sun. Phytonix and its partners utilize a collaborative and distributed business model with a capital-light strategy, based upon circular economy principles, to produce a variety of renewable chemicals from carbon dioxide, sunlight, and water via patented photobiological and synthetic biology technology.
Through its globally patented technology the company will initially produce biobutanol and biooctonol, which are valuable industrial chemicals. The first product in our pipeline, n-butanol, can be used for a broad array of bio-based industrial chemicals and applications as well a being a “drop-in” gasoline replacement fuel. Phytonix’s n-butanol production process is a replacement for the fossil-based, carbon-intensive process currently used by the worlds largest chemical companies. Our process eliminates one tonne of carbon dioxide via bio-conversion for every 137 gallons of n-butanol produced utilizing a low cost photosynthetic platform. This enables us to achieve our companies goals of cost leadership, carbon-negative sustainable chemical production, helping to stabilize the climate crises and eliminating the need for biomass, such as food or other crops, in biochemical production. This is due to our belief that some emerging biochemical production technologies, such as fermentation, pyrolysis, and others, face limited market adoption due to cost and biomass yield limitations in addition to potentially having positive carbon footprints.
Phytonix has developed engineered cyanobacterial species that secrete n-butanol in a significantly carbon-negative, photosynthetic process. Another benefit from this photosynthetic process is the by-product which is roughly 17 1/2 pounds of oxygen per one gallon of butanol produced.
The company estimates the production cost of its n-butanol will be USD $2.50 per gallon. This is a significant cost advantage compared to the current incumbent fossil producer cost of production that averages around $7.50 per gallon.
Phytonix is working to initially target the $12 billion global n-butanol industrial chemical market. The global n-butanol chemical market is growing at approximately 7% CAGR, with demand exceeding supply in many areas including Asia.